- All students are entitled to a safe, positive learning environment.
- All school stakeholders belong to a collaborative, educational community.
- The educational community believes in high standards of personal achievement, including matters of academics and self-esteem.
- Assessments of student learning should provide students with a variety of opportunities to demonstrate their achievement.
- An education gives students options that they can use to succeed in a rapidly changing global society.
- The commitment to continuous improvement is imperative if our school is going to enable students to become confident, self-directed, lifelong learners.
Our mission is to establish a positive learning environment within a collaborative educational community that engages students in developing high standards of achievement in a global society.
Our vision is to be a school where all students learn at high levels.
- We will model lifelong education by embracing our own adult learning.
- We will engage in reflective behavior and collaborative practices designed to help improve us individually and collectively.
- We will celebrate that which is worthy of celebration and embrace the challenge of changing that which must be improved.
- We will treat students and colleagues with dignity and respect.
- We will cultivate sincere and invested relationships with students.
- We will seek first to understand, then to be understood.
- We will provide a safe, supportive, and respectful environment for learning.
- We will embrace the changing nature of technology, the impacts it has on 21st Century learners, and the instruction necessary to reach them.
- We will use at least two diverse instructional techniques in each class period.
- We will strive to utilize brain research and student discourse each class period.
- We will employ multiple assessment strategies to assess students' skills, thinking, knowledge, and progress.
- We will utilize the Rigor and Relevance Framework as it applies to curriculum and assessment.
Student Learning Goals
College and Career Readiness
- Increase the percentage of students meeting all four college readiness standards as defined by the ACT to 28%
- Increase the number of students earning dual college credit per year to 65.
- Increase the number of students earning an advanced diploma to 35.
- Increase the number of students earning a 3 or better on AP exams to 15.
- Increase the percentage of students graduating with a CTE endorsement.
- Increase the graduation rate to 95%
Status and Growth Measures of Achievement
- Establish baseline data and subsequently increase the percentage of students performing at Meets or Exceeds Standard using the new End of Course exams.
- Increase the percentage of students earning 8 or better on team-wide common assessments to 80%.
- Increase the percentage of students earning final grades of As and Bs in all core and elective classes.
School Climate
- Increase percentage of students and parents reporting a trusting relationship with an adult in the school.
- Students and parents will demonstrate school pride and engagement as measured by survey.
- Parents will report strong communication with teachers and staff regarding academic and behavior issues.
- Parents, community members, and students will report a welcoming and inviting environment.