The Senior Year
There is no bigger mistake seniors can make than “taking a year off” before going to college. WPHS requires Senior Achievement, British Literature, Economics, and Government for all seniors. However, seniors are strongly encouraged to take a fourth math credit and a third science credit. This, along with a 3.25 GPA, qualifies them for an Advanced Diploma. More importantly, however, the continued progression in math and science helps seniors prepare better for life after high school. Countless studies have shown that students who accumulate at least four math and science credits while in high school are more successful in college and entry level jobs.
In addition to extended course work (Precalculus, Forensic Science, Anatomy and Physiology, Biology 2), seniors are allowed to enroll in dual credit Great Basin College classes. Among those recommended are English 101 and 102 and Math 120, 126, and 127. These classes expose students to the demands of college level work and allow them to earn college credit while still in high school. Last year, WPHS students earned more than 130 college credits.
Furthermore, juniors and seniors are encouraged to continue their Career and Technical Education by completing the "terminal" course in their CTE program and then taking the advanced studies course. CTE training is available in Nursing Assistant, Welding, Auto Tech, Culinary Arts, Computer Science, Teaching and Training, and Law Enforcement.
Many seniors enjoy participating in the Work Study program. This is an important part of learning—figuring out whether or not you actually like and can be good at various jobs. It is essential, however, for students to remember that the Work Study program is designed to be a learning experience and not just a way to make money during school.
A last component to having a meaningful senior year is to ensure that you remain involved in school activities. Seniors who participate in athletics, drama, choir, band, FFA, Peer Leadership, and Student Council report more satisfaction during their last year than students who are not involved. Staying engaged and helping younger students progress are significant keys to enjoying your senior year.
Seniors who would like guidance in planning are encouraged to call Mrs. Thompson as soon as possible.
Following are links to specific post-secondary intuitions. Each institution has different requirements. However, most require at least:
4 credits of English
3 or 4 credits of Math
3 credits of Science
3 credits of Social Studies
3.0 grade point average

Steffani Thompson
Connect to College
Click the colleges below to be directed to their websites
Scholarships and Financial Aid
It is also important to apply for scholarships in order to help fund your post-high school education. All local scholarships are posted each year into a Google classroom, so that graduating seniors and their parents have access to the applications. The class join code for 2024-25 is kztbs47.
Fill out the FAFSA in order to see if you qualify for Financial Aid from the government. The 2025-2026 application should be available in December 2024.
Register for the ACT!
WPHS School Code: 290050
WPHS Test Center Code 180180
Register for the SAT!
WPHS School Number: 290050
WPHS SAT Test Center number: 29-115
Visit to explore college and career options.
Do you know that you want to attend college but cannot decide which college is right for you? Check out College Score Card at for help. You can compare all of the colleges in which you are interested, as well as find scholarship and financial aid opportunities.
For additional help in preparing for ACT and SAT tests, click on the following links:
Understanding and Using the ACT Score Report
Video - Understanding Your Scores