White Pine Athletic Boosters
The White Pine Athletic Boosters help support our student-athletes in their extracurricular endeavors. They are a non-profit organization charged with promoting, sustaining, and supporting the school's athletic programs.
The WPHS Athletic Boosters is committed to enriching and supporting all athletic programs at WPHS. We are composed of parents, sports fans, business leaders, and alumni. Your support through volunteering, fundraising, and financial contributions is what makes our program thrive. We are dedicated to promoting school spirit and supporting the student-athletes, coaches, and advisers of Bobcat/Ladycat athletic programs. Your role in this is invaluable, and we couldn't have done it without you.
Click this link for the Boosters' membership program. Become a member today and contribute to the extraordinarily valuable learning experiences our students are exposed to through athletics.
Click this link for the Boosters' Facebook page.
Clickthis link for the Boosters' website.
Contact Raymond Maestes, WPHS Boosters President, for more information about the White Pine High School Athletic Boosters. rmaestes@wphsboosters.club